I have not been blogging much as I have not been progressing on projects. Work and life have me feeling like I am rushing around just to stand still. It is not great.
My mojo for my personal project just has not been there. Tiredness down to my core can do that to you.
Obviously this needs to change and cutting back on overtime is a good action to take. It had crept up due to my knee injury just giving me more time to, errr, work. It wasn't mandated by work just something I opted into.
Sleep, deciding on a regular bed time and sticking to it. Obvious stuff but something that is so easy to slip out of. Good sleep usually helps to rectify other health items like diet and exercise. A foundation for a good life and good health.
This leaves me with how to get my mojo back for personal projects. It will probably just return but I may as well kick start it with a technique that works well, for me. Do what I love. That's learning, if I do enough I set patterns of working on personal projects that I can then use to work on projects I want to release and show off.
My usual go to is for this is learn a new programming language. It would be Zig but alas it has not hit version 1.0 and I have been burned too much to devote time to a pre 1.0 product unless there is no choice.
I think it will be another run at Rust. I am wanting to replace my C++/C writing with something else. The only real contenders with mind share and easily available are Zig and Rust.
I have a few other learning projects on the go but am finding I am procrastinating on them.