Feeling a little tired tonight so won't be doing much. I really wanted to get the final alteration to the web site done. That is support math equations.
Of course I won't be using them that much and it may turn out to be something that was worth doing just so I don't think about it anymore. Rather than acutally using it a lot.
Here an equation I once spent time with. A lot of time with!
It is using MathJax to render and is pulling mathjax from a cdn. Hopefully it won't slow down the site too much.
Alterations to the site builder scripts consisted of updating one line. I use pandoc to convert markdown to HTML and that has an option for working with mathjax. So it literally too all of 5 minutes to add math to my site.
I do have a significant number of math books to work through over the next year or two, so perhaps this feature will encourage me to write more on that topic.
I am probably going to spend the rest of the evening playing with some Zig code but wanted to post this early so I am not editing when really tired.
mmm, putting the date in the title is quite redundant.